Is No-Fault Divorce Right For You?
In essence, this means that for the first time in New York State one party does not necessarily need to be deemed at “fault” for the deterioration of the marriage. Pursuant to New York State law, the original fault-based grounds such as adultery, abandonment, cruel and inhuman treatment, and imprisonment still in effect, but now they are not the only grounds available for a spouse seeking to end a marriage. In fact, most Courts will not even entertain a divorce in New York State under any of the “fault” grounds anymore. This is due to the fact that proceeding under “fault” typically causes the other spouse to contest the grounds which may significantly delay the divorce proceedings unnecessarily.
In order to help you understand the implications and effects of New York State’s No-Fault Divorce Laws, please give the divorce lawyers at Cozzo Law a call at 631-234-2070 and we will be happy to arrange a free consultation to answer all questions you may have regarding the new no-fault divorce laws.
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